Yedhu Krishnan

Software Developer • Reader • Blogger • Works From Home

Image Manipulation in Python

Let’s see how we increase/decrease the brightness or contrast of an image and some other transformations. We already know that images are NumPy arrays in Python. All we need to do now is to perform matrix operations...

People You Meet Online

I’d like to write about something simple today. Where do we make friends? Most of us made our first friends in school or college. We make friends in workplaces...

Factfulness - Review

We live with misconceptions about the current state of the world. We hear the bad side of everything everyday and we think the world is slowly deteriorating...

The R, G, and B in an Image

A typical color image consists of three color channels: red, green and blue. Each color channel has 8 bits and can represent 256 distinct values. Using a combination of all three channels, we can create 256 x 256 x 256 colors...

Introduction to Digital Image Processing in Python

Python makes processing and manipulating images very easy. NumPy and SciPy packages available for Python help us to perform scientific computing, mainly operations on matrices...

An Hour of Stories

This is a year of short stories for me. My goal is to read 100 books in 2018, thanks to Goodreads Challenge. I’ve been lazy for most of the year and right now, the only way to complete the challenge is to read more short stories...

Lessons on Digital Image Processing

Let’s start with the basic concept of image processing. A digital image can be represented as a matrix, a rectangular array of integers called pixels. Each pixel represents a small...

Only Time Will Tell - Review

Sometimes, reading is as good as experiencing. We immerse ourself in the world created by the author and refuse to let go of it. Clifton Chronicles is one that would remain with me for quite some time...

Skyfaring: A Journey with a Pilot - Review

When I read Skyfaring – The Journey with a Pilot, I saw a man who set forth to accomplish his dream of flying despite the hurdles. In his late twenties, he started flight training, leaving his several years long career as a management consultant...